In 2013, Becky and Rich hung a sign at their church.
They invited folks to take a 500-mile bike ride. A team of 11 people did the first FREEDOM TOUR from Cheyenne, Wyoming to Raton Pass at the Colorado/New Mexico border.
They weren't sure how to do a group bike tour, so they agreed to work together and trust God. They had a blast.
From that small beginning, the FREEDOM TOUR has grown to include hundreds of cyclists and raise more than $850,000 to support the children at Project Rescue's Home of Hope.
We know our project won't solve the problem of global sex trafficking. So we've chosen to partner with one safe house and one group of children where we know we can make a difference.
We'll continue to invite people to join us in God's big story of justice.
We cycle to bring HOPE and FREEDOM to kids rescued from human trafficking.
The Dream: How It All Began
Rich’s Ride grew out of a longstanding personal dream, the next chapter in a developing story of hope and God's faithfulness. It was supposed to be a one-time deal. God chuckles when we tell Him our plans.
This video tells the original story of Rich's Ride:
Rich's Ride received inspiration from three sources.
The first was a movie titled The Bucket List, the story of two cancer survivors who embark on a series of adventures, life-long ambitions to be accomplished before they “kick the bucket.”
The whole point of a bucket list involves acknowledging that time is limited. We tend to put off important adventures, waiting for a better time, until we suddenly realize that it may be too late. That “better time” never arrives and we’re left with wishes and regrets.
Source #2 was the reality that during 2011 my age once again ended in “0.” Age may be only a number, but it’s also a stark reminder that I don’t have forever to follow my dreams.
Ever since I began hand cycling in 1999 I harbored the dream of an extended cross-country ride. I did a few “virtual” versions in Fort Collins—1000 miles in a summer, 1250 miles to raise funds for a friend’s cancer treatments, and 3000 miles in 2010. But I never mustered the courage to tackle the real thing.
Don Miller tipped the balance with his book titled A Million Miles In A Thousand Years. He talked about analyzing his life as a story, realizing it wasn’t as interesting as it might be, and resolving to write a better story going forward.
The context for Million Miles was Don’s cross-country bike ride. As I read, I felt like he was personally challenging me. When I finished reading Million Miles, I told my wife it was time to stop making excuses and start writing a better story.
Don said an interesting story involves a character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it. And since we tend to avoid conflict, the story requires an inciting incident, an event that forces the character to change or move.
In story lingo, Don’s book was the final inciting incident in the story of RICH’S RIDE and our 1500-mile handcycle journey along the Mississippi River. Million Miles prompted me to confront the fear and the self-imposed limits. The dream’s invitation sat squarely before me, and I could no longer ignore it. I had to say Yes or No. It was time to do it or let it go.
On that original ride I cranked 1500 miles in about eight weeks, roughly along the Mississippi River north-to-south. We turned the event into a fund-raiser for a wonderful cause and spoke to groups about hope and dreams along the way.
A guy with more sense would have dropped the whole silly notion, but I’ve rarely been accused of displaying common sense. Why start now?
A story involves a character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it. That notion resonates with me—I’ve been through that cycle a few times.
- I wanted to get my life back after a spinal cord injury caused permanent paralysis. I mostly had to overcome my own resistance and depression to find the path God had in mind. It only took ten years!
- I wanted to exercise. I discovered hand cycling and cranked a thousand miles in one summer.
- I wanted to re-connect with a lady I hadn’t seen or talked to in over twenty years. Fear, anxiety, and distance gave way and made room for a wonderful marriage.
- I wanted to tell my story, so I published Relentless Grace. I was a math teacher with no writing experience—amazing what happens when you get your self-imposed limitations out of the way and let God work.
One thing about interesting stories, though, is that even a string of good ones doesn’t guarantee continued interest. Even the best character has to keep seeking and confronting challenges. So Rich's Ride is about a new chapter, the next obstacle.
Follow along. Join the circle.
Who knows? Maybe somewhere along the way you'll figure out how you want to re-write your own story.
The story continues.

The FREEDOM TOUR grew out of a crazy dream that resulted from a tragic injury.
Becky and Rich have a story to share.
Paralyzed below his chest and confined to a wheelchair in 1987 by a spinal cord injury, Rich struggled to find meaning and purpose in a broken body and what seemed to be a broken life.
They know first-hand that adversity’s part of life. They also know God’s faithfulness in keeping His promise to work for good in all circumstances.
In September, 2011, Rich cranked his hand-cycle 1500 miles along the entire length of the Mississippi River. They spoke to more than 4,000 people in 26 different venues and raised nearly $60,000 for the children's nutrition initiative of Convoy of Hope.
They thought it was a one-time project, but God had a bigger plan. The journey of hope continues.
From 2012-2014, RICH’S RIDE took this unique team on a variety of long-distance hand-cycle rides. Their mission:
- Demonstrate that it's possible to overcome adversity and accomplish big dreams.
- Speak to a variety of audiences with a message of hope, possibility, and God's faithfulness.
- Raise funds and awareness for various humanitarian causes.
They shared their story with audiences all across the country and raised more than $100,000 for various social justice organizations.
Our Current Project
Since 2014 our efforts have focused exclusively on the FREEDOM TOUR in our beautiful home state of Colorado.
Thanks for your interest. I’m looking forward to sharing this journey with you. It’s gonna to be a blast.